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The Creation of World Poverty - Teresa Hayter

Excellent book on understanding the basics of the fallacy regarding “poor country.” This book clearly and effectively gives an historical background on the causes of the so-called “poor country” narrative, so often mouthed by the corporate media, bourgeois politicians and the uninformed. Most importantly, it outlines the role neo-colonialism and imperialism plays in, creating poverty within the developing countries.

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Capitalism & Slavery - Eric Williams

Initially prepared as a doctoral thesis, the late Dr. Eric Williams, a former Prime Minister of Trinidad & Tobago; published this seminal work on the relationship between capitalism and slavery in 1944. Since then, the arguments put forward in the book has stimulated discourse on the topic; up to this day. It is an excellent read especially for those who see slavery as a mode of production exclusively, from the feudal/agrarian economic structure within which it functioned. Slave labor provided the economic basis for the primary accumulation of Capital which; laid the financial foundation for the developing bourgeoise to enter and expand capitalist production relations. The discourse we’re sure will continue, especially when the US Civil War is examined.